Air105 Neutralizing Kit

  • $8.00




Eco-Fresh Air 105 Slow Release 50-gram pellets form blend of precursor chemicals wrapped in non-woven sachet when exposed to moisture in ambient air releases chlorine dioxide gas to eliminate the bad smells related to households, pets, molds / mildews, tobacco, food, fire and flood damage, garbage, and others.

  • After being released, the ClO2 safety reduces into common salts.
  • It can release ClO2 gas as long as 90 days.
  • Newest technology in CL02 higher ppm, no residue.
  • 50 gram (Air 105)


Step 1: Open the outer aluminum foil bag.

Step 2: Take the inner non-woven pouch out. DO NOT OPEN IT.

Step 3: Hang / place the inner pouch at the area to be treated.


Eco-Solutions FTT has engaged in R&D Chlorine Dioxide products for more than 10+. years, some of our products include Chlorine Dioxide Tablet, Chlorine Dioxide Powder, Chlorine Dioxide Slow Release 40/50. CL02 is used for the industries of poultry, livestock and aquaculture disinfection, water treatment, odor removal, agriculture, medical and hygiene, public environments, beverage, dairy, and food processing sterilization and preserving.

Can Be Safely Used In:

  • Homes
  • Apartments
  • Condos
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Sports Facilities
  • Locker Rooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Public Toilets
  • Portable Toilets
  • Hotel Rooms
  • Restaurants
  • Yachts
  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • RVs
  • MORE